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Even though it hurts .



Ahhzee-RAHH♥ heart

" a.k.a ∟їttℓэ Mїиїэ Mїss Cΰℓℓэи ♥♪"
MuhammadRaihanBinNoorHasman's ♥
0509112235 ♥
known as Minie Jackson; Mini; ahhzee
canberrans | threeexpressfive
251096 is the first tym on Earth.
will always rmb 050911♥
come and ask me personally

" meeting you was fate...
becoming your friend was a choice...
but falling in LOVE with you,
is beyond my control..."

╔♫═╗╔╗ ★
╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣YOU♥ ♥
╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝ ღ✿ ツ

perfection of love ♥ :)

bold underlined strikethrough italic

Precious Ones♥.

wellington 6C '08♥♥
Canberra 1N1 '09♥♥

Awesomezxc peeps!
♥Raihanawesome boyf
♥Wei Siwifeyy
♥Atikahsuper fav sistar
♥An Qisistar
♥Xiao Hongsistar



AWESOME God sisters
♥Joey Lingsistar

AWESOME God Brothers
♥Chee Kiatbrother
♥Zhen Yubrother

CCA Fwens
♥SyaheeranFav Bestie!!
♥GlynnisCCA Fwen
♥AndrewCCA Fwenr
♥AntheaCCA Fwen


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

LG GS500v COOKIE™! ♥
contact lens
new spectacles
little miss T-shirt

Chatter Box

Tag Tag spam Tag
No SPAMMING luhs!!! <3 ♥


cbox recommended.
preferred maximum width to be 200px.



Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
February 2012
March 2012



Layout Designer:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Today morning, wke up a it little liao...... because i english homework last minute liao.... and also waiting for my admire to call me liao..... but he didn't liao...... i sooooooo furious with him liao...... aiyoh.... i dun want to talk to him again lah....... im alone in my world again liao..... my admire had left me i guess.... we are just having problem now nia..... Anyway.... today..... AYG again... but it actually save me from having mr Choo lesson... thats great liao...... then i still remember one of the parts during the rehearsel that time.... Wei Si and I talk many bad things about Amirul.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha x 10000000000000000000 ........ seriously it was damn hilarious.... he sat down at the parade square stage but his legs wasn't that long enough to touch the grund liao.... i was laughing even more than i expected liao..... hope he doesn't read this.... if not i die liao.... anyway... i was also still have intention to take revenge of him... who ask him to threatens me.... i know this will be even more fun...... i know i can threatens him if he can threatens me.... wahahahaha.... my devilness had come back to me.... i dun care but still going to do it.... im still angry with him liao..... and i will go take revenge with my sugary club friends/ my little princesses...... hahahahahaha ...... i will soon prove it to Amirul that i 10000000 times better than him!!!!! ..... erm..... the AYG photo... i wore yellow shirt.... the side....

kk......... i think i need to go now... so...... bye......bye

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:05 AM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Today........ do my english homework liao..... giving me stress liao............ then later about 3pm watch korean drama, my girl.... damn funny liao.......... then now play pet society........... collecting money while waiting for IRRITATING SUBSTANCE to online but in the end never liao.... im sooooooo furious nia....... i hate him like hell liao...... i feel like murdering him liao...... now i think the whole class of my have found out who i stead with liao.... i just found out that my past ex from my class know who is it liao..... im sooooooooooooo gonna kill that STUPID IDIOT PERSON who tell him liao..... and i bet it is from my class........ oh man..... if my past ex later tell my enemies how liao....... my admire cousin should know already now.... as that time she went to read my blog...
kk.. gtg now............. bye.........bye.........

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:53 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wah liao...... my admire say want to chat at msn but never liao........ wah just now go my god brother blog and read the post nia.... soooooo fun liao...... today... i just started to do my english homework liao...... Mr Lovely say give only 1 piece of worksheet for June holiday homework but then last ady of school he go to my class and gave out lotsa english worksheet liao...... hate him sooooooooooo much leh........... Just now i go and revise my science subject and it gave me lotsa headache leh...... Science textbook volume A chapter 9- Diversity Of Plant And Animals...... Caterpillars.... Gross!!!!...... *YUCKS*!!!
kk............ gtg now........ Bye...bye.....

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:01 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today, i went to submit my science project... i wake up late liao..... aiyoh... blamed on my mystery boy ah... call me at night liao.... Then, my group members.... Cairong, Wei Si, Xiao Hong and Rosnita went to meet at my house liao.... OMG...... i was bathing at that time... than we went to school together and submit it together... walao..... i went t the physics lab and saw my those two enemy liao.... Stupid freaks... and i saw my admire's cousin liao.... Never mind lah... i dun want to talk about them lah... only make me go furious lah.... then after submiting, Rosnita, Cairong and i went to the Northpoint that afernoon leh... we went to the mini toon, i favourite part, we went to buy........ SWEETS AND GOODIES!!!!!! YUM! YUM! MY FAVOURITE!!!! too bad that my admire never come liao.... i miss him badly leh... never mind lah..... Just now, we took neo-print leh... it was sooooo fun liao.....

kk............ gtg now............. bye.....

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:26 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yiiiiipppppeeeeeee!!!!!!! Today... i met Wei Si....... finally..... i have no more worries... she have finally brought my smile back!!!!!!! :D.......... Wah liao........... Science project is soooooo dan hard liao...... Seriously, a secondary school life is sooooooo difficult leh... But when comes to exam, i will always do well... everytime.... well.... get the top 7th in the whole normal academic in secondary 1.... LOLZZZ..... Anyway... about my Mystery Boy, wah liao.... he made me cried yesterday leh... pretty mean of him leh... i was kinda sad leh..... but sometimes.... his words made me moved........ seriously leh.... that time when he read my posts in my blog, i was really mad at him... i hung up immediately... hahaz.... he told me that he was panic that time... he tried calling me but i rejected lotsa time.... than later i received a message from him.... he said that he was sorry.... ang he said i WAS HIS ONLY LOVER... NEVER HAD A FRIEND TREATED HIM LIKE HOW I DID.... well seriously.... i hated him sooooo much until i called him IRRITATING SUBSTANCE and now... dunno lah... First he was my enemy.. then my friend.... then my god brther... then my sweetheart... yucks!!!! i rather die that ending like this but i cant let him go... thats the only problem......
kk..... gtg........... bye

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:30 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today......... it was the best...... My little princess/ my bestie/ my best friend, my dearest Wei si came back today!!!! YAY!!!!!!! Im sooooooooo happy!!!!!!! today science project.... was cool.... we all slack for 1 hour but do project for 30mins.......... hahaz.......... cool rite?.... lolzzzzz...... strange.... i used to be scared of caterpillar push toys at Cairong's house but today, i managed to touched it and even hugged it leh..... lolzzz... this is the picture of me and the caterpillar... hahaz

Then later, when i reached home, My sister made muffins........... it was pretty delicious... well, if compared to the muffins i and Nicolette made during the Asean snack making competition( we got first leh... ♥★Winner★♥), i think my muffin is even, even, even, even, even, extra delicious than her one!!! hahaz.... anyway, its good lah... at least i got made a compliment leh... im not stingy... hahaz... espeacially to my mystery boy lorh... who ask him to become sooooo stingy? if he stingly, then i will be ore stingly than he expexted lorh...... XD....XD.... Well anyway, let me shared the pictures of the muffins my elder sister made... i hope you will find it creative... XP...
hahaz.......... thats the muffins before my sister put its icing........................ it will sure to be delicious delicacies... :)

kk........... gtg......... Bye..........bye........ c'ya again.... =)

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:43 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009

Yesterday, the day seems to be odd,..... my mystery boy seems to be upset i think... well, i think he must been angry with me... anyway.... i was only predicting... so please dun talk it seriously horhxxxxx......... Anyway, i had just change my blogskin with the help of my little princess, Cairong. She help me in everything... i really appreciate it soooo much..... Today, i did my science project... its was soooooooo fun espeacially when i thought about putting marbles at the sides of the table tennis rackets... then we came out with lotsa ideas after that.....
kk......... gtg..............bye-bye...

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:10 AM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yesterday, its was toooo late to stop my mystery boy from looking at my blog liao... i die liao..... D: ....... I know he was really mad at me but i think he did not want me admit... only in the message.... Well, i was really mad at him yesterday as he went to visit my blog... to be honest, i really appreciate when people went to visit my blog..... ^.^ ..... Well, to be honest, im still kinda upset with him.... but i think i may not want to talk to him.... anyway... yesterday's post, the one i wrote about i rather die if he would asked for stead was actually last time i meant. i just forget to pt it there.... im crying as typing now.... D: ....Well, to think again, i feel that im not perfect to be his girlfriend.... well, thats only what i think... but i still dont get it why others said that he and i was like perfect couple leh... never mind lah... i dont want to talk about copactible kah... anyway, im still angry with him leh.... well, after i purposely hang up the phine, he called me lotsa times again, and i was there with my handphone but ignoring him, i rejected his calls.... then i tried to went to sleep but i could not... dont know why liao... then i called him.... actually i was already crying that time leh... but i think he did not know..... good thing if he doesn't know.... i just could not speak after i receive a message from him liao.... i was speechless... i was feeling more worst liao.... i was crying even more leh.... thats why when he asked me if i was still there or not, i did not reply.... Anyway, i maybe rejecting his calls again today as im still feeling sad now....
kk, gtg......... bye

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:13 AM

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yesterday.... as usual talk to my admire again liao...... its kinda yucks! for me if he called me yang which there is the stupid meaning behind it liao...... Yucks! YUCKS! YUCKS! YUCKS! well, lets not talk about The 'yucks' guy.... hahaz.... Anyway, i made it!!!!! My first ever ice cream!!!!!

Coooooooooooolxxxxxxxx rite?............ hahahazzzzzz...... XD...... That my ice cream..... ^.^

Wah...... its soooooooo deicious liao..... well, my mystery boy, thats is the 'cetak es loli' i meant that time.............. anyway...... the ice cream is sooooooooooooooo delicious until i finish them in 60 secs... hahaz... unbelievable.... ^.^......

Im still wondering why does my mystery boy likes me during the sec 1 camp liao..... arrrggggghhhhhh....... why does it happened to be in a happy ending... well, i admit that i used to abhor/hated him soooooooooooooooo much.... we can say that i would rather die if he asked for stead leh...... Well, i had just created a twitter just now.... http://twitter.com/ ........ i make sure that he would not read this... well, it very easy to threatens him.... wahahaha.... serve him rite!!!! im just gonna stop him from reading my blog by giving him reasons lorhx.... XD..... Or either i threatens him if he read my blog, i will go and die ehk..... hahaz.... im sure that will do... :)... =)... ^.^ lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz

kk... gtg now.... c'ya....byezzzz

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:09 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sigh......... today i started to do my english homework liao.... Then i started to start with the decribing people.... ythen i thought of writing about my msytery boy... hahaz... dont know why liao...

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:53 AM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today, feeling a little bit better...... i did not go for my science project meet up... hahaz... today i woke up a little early... hahaz... i ignored my admire yesterday night... i did not pick up all his calls yesterday... because i was toooo tired... well, i was sick yesterday.... hahaz.... From today onwards... i cant tell any pursonel stuff as i know that my admire had been reading my blog post everyday.... scarced later he disagree with what i wrote liao..... i think should have my own pursonel blog... but i will not give him..... anyway... today i made an ice cream... Cheerful Chocolate ice loli... but it is still in the freezer as it haven't frozen yet... don't worry lah... i think it will work one as it was my very first time do ice cream mah... i have never do ice cream in my life but eat of course lah... im a modern girl mah..... just like my mystery boy mah..... XD.....
♥Mystery Gurl♥ and ♥Msytery Boy♥ ............. ♥Forever ♥Together♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥......... Mystery Gurl is in ♥Love♥...... ♥.♥''
kk..... gtg....bye...bye

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:09 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today... i went to do my science project.... But i was really late.... not like usual late leh... blamed on my mystery boy lah.... he is soooooo mean leh..... he only made my blood boil liao...... today.... the science project... the worst..... we brainstorming like hell lah today......... then later i go meet Yaman, Amirul with my dear little friend, Rosnita...... we played marco polo again... and we cheated... welll.... me too.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........... but i think may need a break up with my admire as i think i have not been spending time together with my family... well it seriously true leh!!!! I have been like out for the whole day leh.... i tired already leh..... i have been feeling sick like everyday because sleep very late lah.... I had severals headache and also feeling dizzy.... but i ask for a break up... probably i wont get to see him again next year... :(... i was crying as i type.... he will be leaving soon and i will never get to see him leh... i was kinda upset leh.... Actually... if you were sooo close to him, you wont find him irritating but a good joker and a good friend.... i really admit that he is a good friend.. well at the first sight of him, i just hated him as he was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn irritating espeacially when he gt my handphone number........ i was really have gone berserk leh......... Anyway........ You all ought to cherish your loved ones ecause you will never know when they leave you without a single goodbye... i lost one of my good friend last time and i did not cherish her that much but when she had leave my darkest world, then i realised how important is she to me..... Thats why i cherished all my loved ones.... Mystery boy, i miss you....

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:38 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dearest my Msytery Boy... you ought to read this... Im hurt!!!....Yesterday... i have learn that my admire is leaving to other country probably the end of this year liao... well to be honest... i was kinda taken abck by the words he said to me yesterday... after he said that, i was totally speechless liao.... he was the one friend of my that im confortable with... i cant live without him... it was hard to find a friend like him... he was the guy who made me smile more often especially when im feeling down leh... im sure to miss him sooo much...
Anyway... today... i went out with Amirul, Aisha, Yaman and Mastura..... this was hilarious... i was late to meet Yaman at the Sembawang MRT.... Mastura was kinda afriad to meet Yaman at first... she nearly cried when she first saw Yaman liao.... Then we headed to the Admirately MRT near the Mcdonald to meet Amirul... then Mastura starts her stupid problem liao.... She starts crying then i starts dragging her but the most embarassed thing is everyone was looking at us liao.... aiyoh... she giving people problem liao..... then we went under one of the blok... then thats when Mastura starts crying liao... Amirul starts making his funny jokes liao.... it really make Yaman, Aisha and i laugh out loud liao.... XD.....Then Amirul and i decided to leave the problem to Yaman and Aisha as they should talk to know more about each other but then i starts to pity Aisha because of Mastura lah... what if she shouts at Mastura then later Yaman hear leh... DUH!!!... obviously she would be embarrass leh.... Then i asked Yaman and Amirul to go ahead Aisha and I so that Mastura would stop crying.... and it works!!!! So then we settled at one of the playground that Amirul that time become become the founder of the estate... XD... then we play macro polo which makes me laugh sooo much... one of the time Aisha became the chatcher, Amirul, Yaman and i cheated... hahaz.... no offence eh.... then when the time we rest, Amirul climbed onto one of the animal rock and scared to get down... hahaz.... XD....

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahazzzzzzz.. so hilarious liao..... XD....XD...XD...XD........ then Amirul got to leave early...so he left... Then only left Yaman, Aisha, Mastura and me... it was soooooooooo boring after the joker had left liao... So Yaman seat was lonely then....

Well....................... he was sooooooooo damn lonely liao...... he was also the joker but not anymore after Amirul have left him..............

Until i called him... then he was smiling liao.... Aisha and Mastura was laughing at that time liao.......

Then we got bored so we went to the Crescent Park...... Aisha, Masture and i was playing at the playround but dont knoe why Yaman kept on looking at us liao.... we laughed.... XD

The Sisters united.......... finally...... Besties Forever............... Sisters..........♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Then....... Yaman say he want to go home then he went home ... but Aisha and i went to the Sun Plaza.................... then i saw my ex liao....... my wonderful guy liao...... the japanese guy!!!! I hate him liao........ he lied to me leh.............. never mind lah...... my admire is even more better than him leh.... kk..... gtg.... bb

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:25 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wah liao.... yesterday... talk to my admire untill about 2am+ liao... then this morning wake up soooo late... i promise my friends that i will meet them at the mcdonald at 10am in the morning but i wake up soooo late liao... wake up at 9.45am... quickly i rushed to the toilet and bathe as quickly as i could.... aiyoh... all because of my admire lah.... arrggghhh... wah liao eh....im sooooo furious with him leh!!!! Science project... sigh... sigh... it really gave me a big headache liao.... today... go Cairong's house to the science project lah.... Rosnita, Cairong, Xiao Hong and i did only the poster and the blogging liao.... then we slack lah... wait for Nicole at the mcdonald's in front.... then go to Cairong's house again... we play table tennis... But Rosnita played computer leh.... anyway i had sooooooooo much fun playing a game called Monkey.... But we all changed it to Amirul the monkey game.... XD..XD... it was soooo hilarious that time.... there is soooo many Amirul...... these are the pictures.....

hahaz............. there are lotsa Amirul there.... Monkeys!!! Monkeys!!!!! Monkeys!!!!...... XD

Then.... we set a game rule...whoever got the most Amirul, will become his sweetheart... XD

Look.............. this is how much i got..... but luckly... im not going to be his sweetheart... Xiao hong is......

My dearest princess............. we slack and play plush toys................................ XD

Two Besties working together............. Teamwork.....

My dearest Xiao Hong...............................................................

Cute rite?.... gtg...Bye

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:02 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today... go suntec city then go home eat kfc..... then online at msn...at about 10.10pm liao.... sooo late... then my admire chat with me liao... then... then.... my admire asked me to accept his webcam call but i only do it ones... then i deline the rest because im already blushing leh.... today... soooo tired... gtg...bb

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:52 AM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

If my admire reads this, im sorry to hurt your feelings but you gotta know that im also hurt!!!!.... im pissed off by the hurtful words to told me last night!!!!!!!Yesterday ah... my admire was quite upset with me liao... he thought i was belong to my past ex... the japanese guy lah... he always made me remeber about my wonderful guy liao... he is soo mesn to hurt his mystery gurl leh... he wouldn't know how badly i felt that time.. i was really in tears whenever he talk about my wonderful guy... well... he say he was kinda jealous leh... but anyway it my fault for talking to him how badly i miss my wonderful guy... well...its still true that i still like my wonderful guy although i tried to forget him, i still CANT!!! Aiyoh... all because my admire lah... he is to be blamed for always reminding about my wonderful guy... how dare he wakes up my wonderful guy!!! he is sooo mean... arrgghh.. talking abot him only makes my blood boil leh... i maybe started to hate my admire probably... but to think again... i think i cant lived without him.. he is like a drug for me to live lah... I miss him sooo much.... Bo Go ship da, my admire... it means i miss him in korean...Wah liao... alking about him makes me feel even more sad leh!! :(
hahaz.. lets talk about something else...Wah... today my family celebrate father day today liao... i know its kinda bad to celebrate in advance... wel... i actually agree with it... Then y sisters, my mom and i wait for dad for like 15 minutes liao... in the 15 minutes we laugh because my elder sister lah... she talk about my younger sister hair later got into the cake if she kept on jumping around... well i can say its quite hillarious leh... then i go and say my younger sister hair like ramen noodles which makes them laugh EVEN more liao.... i took lotsa pictures... well this is the pictures...

the cake

hahaz... the cake again... XD

The cake from above

the Cake is shining!!!

the Wax of the cake... Yucks...See lah... wait for dad for toooooo long... see what had happened

Ya... the clear version... see properly hor...

hahaz... Finally dad came and did the cutting cake ceremony... Yay

ya... me and my family!!! Wah liao... my elder sister sit so front like as if its her birthday liao!!!

Then... after the ceremony, we ate the cake... of course lah.. whats the purpose to keep the cake.. its meant for eating lah... DUH.... wow... the cake was extremely delicious liao... but mothers' day cake we bought was the delicious soo far...

wow... the cake consist of two delicious flavour liao... chocolate.and blueberry... look at that... the blueberry feeling in coming out liao.... mmmmmm

gtg bye bye....

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:31 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sigh... I think one of the senior in my cca still ignoring me liao.... this morning woke up a little late as usual... THEN.... all of the sudden, my admire called me liao.... it gave me a big shocked liao.... Wah... last night i talk to my admire for 1 hour plus liao... I felt sooooooo sleepy when talking to him at that hour leh.... But i just dont have the courage to tell him leh... i think if i tell him, for sure he would tell my sister... then sure to get scolding from him liao!!! My admire kept on asking me if i was really avoiding from him or not leh... im just getting soooo sick with that man.... actually, i was avoiding him... well, its true that he was PURELY irritating leh.... he even disturb me during cca time... especially... during the June holidays.... Wah... anyway... during the June holidays cca, i really got bully by one of my cca seniors, Amirul.... liao.... To be honest horhx, its really like a nightmare when you got bullied by Amirul leh.... Dont know why he still like torturing me leh... My classmates got seen me got bullied by him leh.... it was pretty embarassing leh.... My sugary club has always seen me got bullied by him al the times.. everyday i mean...... lolzzzz larhx.... That time during the June holidays cca time... i got slack one time because gotta solve my sister problem... argghh... stupid son of durian larhx... because of him... my sister world have been change to a loney worldleh... i want to make him say the truth... but gotta find a solution... probably... the only way out is to threatens him leh.... anyway... about that Amirul... one of my cca friend took a video of i got bullied by him... this is the video...

Then that time in the morning... before cca starts... i also took a video of Amirul dancing... sure laugh out louds when watching it leh!!!

Then i remember that time i went to get my science project with my team members at the ava room... then ours got rejected two time liao... then we had to seat at the back of the ava room... instead of during, we took pictures... hahaz....

Then on this wednesday... i went got with Amirul, Yaman and Kirby.... then i got take pictures of Amirul the founder of that estate... hahaz... he look sooo lame... X

hahaz... gtg... bye....

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:48 AM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

oh yeah... the story.... then i got to go home early because got religious class liao.... then... late at nightmy admire called me as usual... then he reminded me about my ex iao... her heart break soooo much... he made me remember the times i had with my ex leh... you know how hurtful it is liao... well... thats because he was not me... of course he would not know how i feel that time leh... i got sooo upset... until... i ignored him.... then he started saying that he miss me sooo much.... liao.... then... in a few hours time... i was feeling more better i guess... then i called him... we both chat as usual...until 2.30pm+... got to go now... so bye bye...

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:24 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today... i got up a little bit late... hahaz... suddenly my admire called me... then asked me to go out with him play basketball with my god brother... at first.. i didnt want to go because too lazy to get up and my stomach had not been well for the past few days liao.... but it will be a very mean of me to turned down his offer.. and so i go.... When i reached there at the mrt station, suddenly my god brother called me liao... scared me liao!!! Then we met each other at there... then we went to meet my admire there.... Then we when to the basketball court... then play basketball larhx... but i didnt play because i got to solve my problem... science project liao... then we headed to the nearest playground then we to pictures on my admire.. then we play many games... Blind mice game... my favourite!!! Then we slack... my admire go have a look on my phone pictures... well, all i can say is it is...... EMBARASSING!!!! OMG.... he look at almost all my pictures... Almost All you know!! hahaz... luckly he didnt see on of my secret, personal photo if not i die liao!!!... thank goddness... i quikly snatched my phone away from him leh... but i know its kind of mean of me to do it so... but the only choice i can solv my problem is THAT in order to protect my privacy lah... Yeah... i can ony say about him is that he didnt RESPECT pupils privacy liao... well, it is the basic courtesy leh!!!! Then we went to the central park... play basketball again.. then we went to the mcdonald.... no... before that we went to find one of their friend...then at mcdonald... my god brother tease me liao!!! ok... gtg... the next day i will continue the next episode... bye...bye...
-What A Fun Day-

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:02 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wahhhhh.... dont know why i can forget my ex... he promise me that he will love me forever... take care of me forever... will stay by my side FOREVER... BUT he never did that... he promise that he will full filled his promises but instead... he leave me alone in my lonely world liao... he dump me then leave liao... i never felt sooooo bad like that liao!!! he went back to his own country, Japan... Aiyoh... dont want to talk about him lah... he soooooooo mean liao.... even my admire is even more better than him lah!!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:48 AM

Today... i got up a little bit late... so got sorrowful last night because of my admire... he did not spent enough time with me... so I thought of breaking up with him but i just cant force myself to say it... sooooo i think i still like him...

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:31 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009

Today.... I wake up at about 7.30am in the morning and found out that i got 28 miss calls in my phone from my admire at 11.53pm yesterday night liao... Probably he is angry... but dont want to show it to me... probably because he is afriad of my elder sister... true fact leh!!! must believe... Back to my story... Then i sent a Good morning message to my admire... then he ONLY say hehe... instead of saying good morning to me back... i was actually expecting that leh... arrghhh im frustrated.... Never mind larhx... dun want to talk about him larhx... Then later in the evening, my admire called me all of the sudden... hahaz not really... when i was watching his video in the bus... my friend send one horhx.... Later, after i went for my religions class, I eat Cambell Tomato soup... XD.... first time taste one... not that bad the taste liao... Anyway... it supposed to taste good because i cook one.... BUT i didnt get any comment from my other sibings liao... including my mom leh... quite upset... sooooo bad leh... i didnt get any news from my cca friend who had pissed off that time leh... he just simply ignore me leh... i tried to chat with him through facebook, msn but still not news leh!!!! I still remember the happy times i had with him that time during cca... we took pictures and videos on on of our cca friend... he was known as the little monkey in the school... hahaz.... I hope he still remeber... this is a video that he and i took that time... Its was hilarious liao... i will laugh uncontrollably when watching it!!! This was taken during my cca time... break time leh...

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:43 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today... never go out.. hahaz... play games on my phone just now until low battery liao... Later... last at night... midnight sorrie... my admire will call me liao.. sure to feel sleepy liao... I cant take it anymore leh... Im sooooooooooooo tired leh.... i even got panda eyes now... hahaz... hope he didnt see it... if not i shy liao..... Ai yoh... i still got holiday science project have not been finishing... in fact, have not EVEN started them... not only that but all my holiday homework HAVE NOT EVEN touched them... scary arh???... lol.... Dont know why i just have NO mood to do them or feeling rather LAZY to do them liao.... I just cant focus on my work!!!! It looks like im just gonna drop my position in class from... 4th to the 10th place i guess.. Wah im DAMN bored liao... since the start of the school holiday man!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:15 AM

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Today go out to buy new school shoe liao... then go hang out with my family at Geylang.. then tomorrow must go out with my cca friend and my sister liao... how tiring liao... A few days ago, I found out that my enemy got to know my bestie liao....she is now stealing my nearest friend leh... i feelsoooo sad leh... i treated her just like my sister and that day i just found out about the truth liao... I feeeeelllllll sooooooooo saaaaaadddddd as saaaaaadddddd sa can be leh!!!!!! I felt as if someone had just betrayed me liao.. and its my bestie... its like impossible leh!!! D: D: :( D: :D...
-One Of The Sadest Day Of My Life-

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:32 AM

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yoohoo... i had just got into a new relationship yesterday with someone same cca as my liao... hahaz... well, we use to fight whenever we saw each other.. probably.. tease each other also... hahaz... now, everytime during cca, everyone in the cca espeacially the sec two... they will always tease he and i when we reach school together.. LOL... Soooo fun yesterday night because my admire called me and we talk for more than one hour!!! He even say that he will be by my side all the time... Yay!!! Im sooooo haaaaaaaapppppppppppiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee as haaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee as can be... hahazzzz... LOL... XD, XD, XD, XP
-What A Wonderful World Today-

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:19 AM

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today, cca not that bad larx... but there is many problem liao.... first, i made one of my cca friend upset..., second, my admire was there.. this morning i didnt wait for him.. then he chase me just to find where am i... wah liao.. i pity him liao... i mean we use to fight whenever we see each other.. tease each other liao.. XD.... Thrid thing is i got to finish up my SDMA competition liao... so i need to finish it by this coming september liao!!!! Wah sooooooooo stress liao!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:08 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Today i just confess to my admire that i admire him liao.... He even say that he had always admire me last time... and he also asked for stead leh... i just dunno what to say liao!!!! I can only say that im blushing right now... XD... We use to fight everytime when we saw each other... hahaha.. its like impossible for us to be together... lol... today, me and some of my cca friend to take revenge of somebody... we hate..sorry, not hate but ABHOR... But the main thing is he just refuse to admit it...so i MUST find a way to make or force him to admit it... i dun care... i must seek for revenge!!! The only way out is i think i must gather evidence!!! Wah piang leh... sooooooooooo angry wath that stupid 'son of durian'!!!!!!!!!
-What A Bad And A Stressful Day Liao!!!-

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:48 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yay!!!!...... Finally, i have learn at least some of the basic skills on 3D animation using the MAYA softare!!! Yooooooohooooooo....... Im soooooooooooooooooo happy.... as happy as i could be!!!!!!
Wah yesterday my god brother and his friends got scolding from mr tan for slacking during cca time!!! LOL!!!! Today.... Mr Tan have found out that i have a sister in my cca liao!!! Arrrrrrggggghhhhh...... I thought that it would be a very long time for him to discover liao.... This would not happened if one of my god brother didn't tell everything to that teacher!!! Now... I think mr tan would have high expectation of me in cca and art liao!!!! whaaaaaaagggghhhh!!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:07 AM