Friday, October 30, 2009
today i gtg now
thats all
tell eu wad happen today tmr
gtg now
Minie Jackson [:
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:24 AM

Thursday, October 29, 2009
today after school, slack in the animation room
then take a nap in animation room... just for a while -_-
cant sleep.....
then looking at ppls blog
taqq Aisha's blog :]
then look at one of my primary one fwen blog
wow.... she have change alot
then went home wif Syaheeran
then saw y tuition teacher at home
talk to her abt the my promotion
she'd asked me to go express
got headache pulak
i lay down on the sofa
somehow, i took a nap :x
then, i heard my sistar calling my name
i woke up and saw my dad was back
quickly dress up properly
then go to school wif my dad for parent-meeting session
wait outside 1N1 classroom like hell
and suddenly found out Mr Harizan was in the music room!!! WTFSH!!!!
i kept on saying sowie to my dad cus idk....hehehehe
then meet Mr Harizan and Mr Leong
talk abt my school work and my examation results
thank god, he talks all good thing abt me sia
then, talk abt going to Sec 2 EXPRESS stream
i told Mr Harizan im going larh dehy... =____=
then Mr Leong found out that my bdae was the same as him... LOLS!!!!
my dad told him .___.
then go home.... saw Amirul's cousin
im scared!!!
i ran away from her!!!! :x
then saw muthu black hair version
he told my dad to eat sumthing before going out of the school
luckly my dad turn down... WAHAHA!!!! :x
then went home
then eat
then bathe
OMG!!!! i forget to sign my promotion consert form
later tmr mampus!!!! :x
kays... i nid to sign them now
if not cant go express
today is a wad a tiring day!!!!!
kays.... gtg now......
Minie Jackson [:
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:45 AM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
today just got to know that i was promoted to sec two EXPRESS......
but then........
Mystery Boy asked for patch up......
idk wad else to say
i syill love him
but patch, break, patch, break
wads this?????
im loss for words liao
shud i accept him????
if i love him, i shud accept him rite???
but im scared that i might drop my marks as im going express
next year will be the tough one
but how????
i dun wan to regret....
i thought i would able to forget him completely
but somehow i cant
idk why
i kept on running away from him
but no matter how much i tried, i STILL cant!!!! x3
wad to do now????
accept him???? O.o
or not???? x_____x
i still love him, i still love him, i still love him!!!!!!
i cant forget him.....
i really dunno liao
Syaheeran told me to accept him if i still love him
accept je larh, kays
kays... gtg now....
Feeling flabbergasted cus of promoted to express & patch up thingy,
Mine Jackson~~~
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:36 AM
yayyyyyyyyy!!!!! im soooo happy wif my results.... never thought that i would have the chance to go express.... kekekekekekekekeke!!!!! wad a lovely day.... [:
But somehow, i didnt wanna go express.... i mish my friends.... next year for sure no friends.... i wonder how the express student enjoy a stressful life in sec one... O.0
kays.... gtg. now.... tell more later when i get home.... i nid to do sdma.... if not... Daddy wouldn't let me have innuyasha anymore....
Minie Jackson [:
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:18 AM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
im soooo happy
Finally Haris let me go oredi
thx for him
now..... at last, freedom is in my hands
i'll not allow him to hurt me again [:
Kays.... gtg.... bye
happy cus got freedom,
Mїиї Jαcksoи
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:55 AM

Monday, October 26, 2009
walao ehk... today my teacher blame me on everything liao... why must i shoulder all the responsiblity??? The her teacher didnt asked only me to inform 1n2 ppl mah... why must she scold me for everything??? im not even the class chairman mah...... im the class secretary lehy... im just like the innocent one!!! forget it larh....
i realy dun wan to see her again *forever*... everytime she like blame me for everything... all i can say is, i got enough of her and im just feeling upset the way she treating me... it's not fair... the rest gets to see me getting scolding from her as if they are not to be blamed... but then my class was like only get to know abt the news ... staying back to check mt paper last minute... then she like just dun understand sia... haish... im just feeling offended... D:
this is how the story goes....
-my class have to inform the 1n2 abt the stay back checking exam paper
-my class were like only know last minute
-then, have to inform the 1n2 ppl after skool only
-then wen i step into the class, sum of the 1n2 were there
-then she asked me
-whye only a few ppl
-then i ans that no tym to inform them
-we like only know last minute mah
-then she scold me only me sia like as if she's blaming me for everything walao sia
-not fair!!!!!
-the rest all saw me got scolding from her
-then it's like not fair mah
-why must i only the one who hold the responsibility????
-she any how offended me sia!!!
-everything all blame me
-i really dun wan to see her forever....
thats why im upset......... forget it larh..... just let her be larh..... im really feeling vexed and tired.... juat last week of school.... bear wif it, Minie.... just forget it larh....
trust me...... You'll be fine [:
thx alot to Syaheeran for making feeling better.... im just lucky to have a friend like eu [: And same goes to Amirul for laughing at me =___=
kays.... gtg now
feeling better,
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи [:
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:44 AM

Sunday, October 25, 2009
today was the best day...... kays.... i gtg oredi..... byezzz
feeling happy,
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:47 AM

Saturday, October 24, 2009
a few more hours to my bdae... all i can say is....
yeah, i know is boring!!!!!
Today at facebook, i saw one of my fwen suggested me to befriend my so called idk
i dunno if she still wanna treat me as her friend like before =_=
i just hope she would! xD
NOW, i hope people would celebrate my bdae...
Yeah, hope so....
so far only receive ___ gift(s)
i dun wan to mention them :x
haish, Pet Society load soooooo slow liao
Now, chatting wif Syaheeran at msn
Rejecting people's call at the same time -.-
i just dun like people disturbing me... LOL
Except for Mystery Boy
Must bring him back in my life soon
thats all for today
hoping for the best,
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:04 AM

Friday, October 23, 2009
im gonna be 13 soon (: ...... im sooooo happy....... No one have ever celebrate my bdae on my bdae itself...... hope i wish to be as lucky as Atika...... Amirul, Syaheeran, Suthan and me wen to celebrate Atika's bdae.... A birthday surprise.... she must be the luckiest gurl in her life.... wow.... Hop i wish i could be her..... ahahahaha...... but it was a pleassant surprise for her.......i hope Mystery Boy will be the first person who would celebrate my bdae..... he is the most important person in my life!!!!! Prehaps, Prince Charming would also do that.... Haris gets upset upset easily..... i just cant stand it!!!! @____@ haish
kays, gtg now
feeling lovely,
wishing people would celebrate my bdae (:
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи♥
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:00 AM

Thursday, October 22, 2009
wads this??? Mystery Boy misses his Mystery Gurl... lol.... however, his Mystery Gurl is also Prince Charming's princess.... she is just sooooo confused..... she wanna to be with her Mystery Boy but she doesn't wan to hurt Prince Charming's feelings..... haish..... two boys are after just one gurl... Prince Charming is willing to fight for her, i guess.... hehehehe.... she just pretended to move on so that her Mystery Boy would tot that she's fine.... -.- ...... BUT no, she actually sayang her mystery boy..... i wonder how's Prince Charming now.... hummmmm..... ????
Forget it larh, Azirah...... the more eu think, the more eu would hurt yourself..... haish.....but wad im afraid now is Haris might fool me again..... he just like to show me thats kind of stupid attitude... nevermind larh..... i still have Syaheeran to cheer me up.... he's the only one who i can trust... :) ... kekekekeke........ i just feel sooooo luckly to have a besties like him.....
thx to Syaheeran who always there for me (:
he made me feel better (:
gtg larh..... (:
feeling confused,
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:08 AM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
he said he doesnt like C; i suspected sumthing..... but why i saw new divide by linkin park.... wads this???? Eu told me before wen be stead..... eu always heard that song be cus of C....
wads this????
wads this????
wads this????
Im confused and i dun wan to hurt myself again or even lost myself again..... '' Man with words'' >> thats wad i like for boys..... idk why im attracted to a boy like eu..... it's sooooo silly of me.... haish.... i just wan mercy; eu know wad i meant rite???
i lost my trust for boys [except for my dad and
Syaheeran ] after Mystery Boy left me... im loss for words.... im now crying while typing this words..... i just wan freedom in my life... thats all i wan... nothing else....
thats all larh for today
feeling confused and lost,
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:41 AM

Monday, October 19, 2009
Yeah, perhaps ending soon. i know that he still likes C. Love cant be force rite??? It's pretty hard to forget the person whom eu cherish in life... perhaps letting him go is a choice... everyone has a choice... as you know... i hate to force people... btw, he was showing an attitude to me oredi.... idk why but i really, really,really, really, really hate it...... well, im just scared wen he was angry or being fierce..... im scared he might beat me..... im just scared he might repeat that stupid mistake again.....but how can he prove it to me that he wont repeat it ver again... haish... he doesnt seems to done it..... all i see is he's changing more and more..... i hate it!!!!!!! i still love eu.... please dun make me leave eu..... i dun want to see eu suffering..... i didnt dare to scold eu.... he just get emo easily..... haish... so hard to deal with him..... i shouldnt have woo him last time.... i keep all my patients in myself.... never ever dare to let it out......
Hairs, dun make me leave eu...... perhaps it might end soon if eu never change.
feeling sad,
Mїиїэ Jαcksoи
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:48 AM

Saturday, October 17, 2009
that day, i went to take neo-print wif Cairong at causeway point and eat at sembawang shopping centre..........
we took neo-print first (:

we have soooo must fun that day
i still remember we ate at MOF.... the ice-cream rocks my world xD
Now, watching cicakman..... rocks to the core!!!!!
the animation also rocks and awesome!!!!!
sowie for not posting for the past few day....
my internet sucks to the core liao!!!!!
kays.... gtg now..... i really cant stop watching cicakman... kekekek xD
bye bye bye bye(:
~Mїиїэ Jαcksoи (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:40 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009
YO~ im currently studying now.... tym fly soooo fast.... 3/4 of the year have past.... i have to study so i guess a have no time to post anything at my blog from today onwards till exams finish.... i cant wait for exam to finish..... So, I guess, I will leave my blog in its 'sleeping mode' right now..... ahahahahaha... sowie my blog.....
kays larh now.... i really nid to study for literature as i dun wan to fail this paper ever again in my life.... i cant forgive myself too..... brb :)
*All the best to everyone!!!*
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:50 AM

Thursday, October 8, 2009
just hate today. they sucks. i just abhor them for having such a stupid attitude. never ever in my life encounter someone like them before. i just know whats there next idiot motive>> spam my blog perhaps! i knew it. they all cant be trusted. they just wanna bully my sister. i just know whats their motive larh. =_= it's damn freaking obvious larh. And i know they abhor me sooooo much. i dun care abt they hating me cus i hate them!!!!!! go to hell larh eu all!!!!!
hate them forever till the end!!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:46 AM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
today, fall ill somehow.... love sick uh?!... NO WAY!!! just a flu.... no swine flu horhx!!! okay, today in class, first person i saw today in the morning in skool was Mei Xin..... she kept talking abt Haris.... kekekekeke..... then, both of us talk near our class staircase.... Suddenly, Haris came by there.... i was flabbergasted so i left Mei Xin and leave there in a lurch.... haish... then ran to the classroom and saw my jackson.... ahahahaha..... as usual... "ϟMїиї Jαcksoи~thαt ĠΰяŁ™ϟ♥" ....... =).... we then had a cool gurls club meeting... ahahahahaha..... then morning had maths.... *I ABHOR MATHS!* well, scoring 92.5 out of 100 for ca2..... awesome!!!!! but i really have no intension to score this type for marks...... is juat that the paper was damn freaking easy!!!! yeah, thats rite..... damn freaking easy... idk why some freaks cant get as high as me.... especially Haris.... aiyoo..... didnt we agree to fight for each other and NO feelings must be involve mah!!!! haish larh.... du care larh cus i win the competition soooo far mah... talking abt that... i wanna update that Haris and i talk through the phone until 1am+ . how lovely... XD
btw, i got these picture which really reminds me of The Legend Of Prince Charming and his Princess..... hahahahaha... i dun really believe their love cus Prince Charming used to beat up his prncess till she left him..... wad a sad chapter..... D: ....... However, Prince Charming managed to win her heart back and finally, she's back with him.... Prince Chaming hardly fall in love..... i bet his Princess must be the luckest gurl!!!! Wad a love story!!!!!

Lovely rite??????? they seems to have a good relationship now..... luckly for them!!!!
Kayss, gtg now.... byezzz
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:13 AM

Monday, October 5, 2009
Today realy sucks.... ppl from my class are starting to bully me as they all found out about PC and i...... haish..... during d&t lesson, i hurt my thumb when nailing the stupid toy using a hammer!!!! x_________x ANd it hurts badly..... it bleed.... but wipes it wif a piece of tissue.... luckly no one sees!!! But just now when i was about to move the cams at the correct place, Weis Si was like does not wan to help me..... im quite upset.... but i was indeed luckly cus Haris saved my life.... he help me alot just to keep making me satisfied...... he bared all the pains for me..... he doesnt care as long as i wasnt hurt..... lols...... i tink that shud had proven to me that he *sayang* me soooo much.... i really feel it.... i guess im falling for him more and more...... i guess thats fate or destiny.... haha.... cant be true.... it's quite hard to find someone caring like him...... i never seen someone caring for me soooooo much other that my parents but i guess.... i must have given him burden soooo much.... i ignored him, he conviced me until i realised..... he is sooo.... sooooo....
IMPORTANT in my life.... i need him..... i want him.... and no one must stop me...... i dun care if ppl tried to seperate me wif him.... it is matter if we love each other..... Haris always makes me satisfied.... he scarified for me and yet, i dun care...... i guess i really hurting him soooo much oredi..... but he just dun wan to tell me thet im a burden to him...... i guess....hehe.... i tink he must have been tinking to let go of me...... i hope there's still time for me to tell him how much he meant to me in my life... i hoped.... i wished..... i wrote all the bad things in my blog about him... he was really hurt..... im sowie for everything, Haris....., forgive me...... i need you.... i want you.....i love you..... ★❤
kays... gtg...byezzzz
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:39 AM

Sunday, October 4, 2009
today... ummm..... wad i do.... sooo many things ..... lols
-study in the morning....
-then chat wif mr arrogant through my phone[mesej] ...
-then help my mom make roti kirai....
-then play my Virtual Village game at my phone....
-Suddenly mr arrogant called me about his art work....
NOOB sia.... i was like ''............'' i cant never understand wad he said as he was soft and he was mumbling like hell..... i was wondering if die pondan ke atau tak???? O.o ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! XD
-then study again
-then watch tv
-then my favourite aunt's and uncle's family come my house
-talk to mr arrogant in my room
-layan them till like one hour 30 minutes [ thats was damnfreaking crazy! ]
-then they left
-then eat and slack in the living room... XD [lame!!]
-then bath
-then use internet... LOLS!!!
-chat wif Syaheeran at msn [My Favourite Part Of My Life!!!!]
-then do blogging, of course... U____U''
Yeah, thats wad i do today.... ahahaha.... thats weird..... cus
IM SLACKING MORE THAN STUDYING LEHY!!!! OMG.... now then i realised!!!!! *HAISH!!!! WTFSH!!!! Kays larh.... i gtg and study larh!!!! if not, i mampus siak!!!!!
byezzz... :D
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:05 AM

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Today, the good news was i get to go out and see my primary skool fwens!!! I miss them!!!!! we like go out to a few houses and i oredi have to go somewhere wif my family members to my pri skool fwen too.... he was like wanting to asked me sumthing cus i was like going in and out of the his room... i cant read his mind of course!!! actually, i wanted to asked him sumthing too!!! he look very different; really awesome cus he was Handsome liao!!!!! [but my father more handsome] XD :x..... no hard feelings uh!!!!
then today, the bad news; the one that i really hate the most!!!! I really hate to be force by everyone!!!!! Prince Charming was like forcing me to patch up wif him liao....
WTFSH!!!!! but i really can see that his love for me is true and i can feel it..... but i really longer yearn for anyone especially the two fools!!!!! i hate them..... but i have one choice which to accept him.... i easily pity ppl larh..... i really kinda confused now.... looks like suffering after coming after me soon!!!!!! He's gonna beat me up perhaps!!!!! X____________X
Kays larh..... i really feel sooo sleeply now after the jalan raye wif fwens and family liao and that stupid forcing; i hate it!!!.... sowie for not writing that much.....
gtg... byezzzz
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:03 AM

Friday, October 2, 2009
kays.... now got ppl on my hse.... btw, i really dunno if i wanna patch u wif Prince Charming or not....
kays... so thats all....
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:09 AM

Thursday, October 1, 2009
i really dunno wads my choice..... my love is fading away from eu.... i dun wan to make eu suffer anymore... if eu desperately wan me, teach me how to love eu. I have forgotten how to love ppl as ppl nowadays.... idk wad to say.... but just now, i told eu that im not patching up wif eu, eu show me your true colours.... eu
NEVER change..... eu are still childish like last tym... arrogant like last tym..... oh pleash, i really adbhor eu sooooo much oredi.... hit me, dun eu dare!!! eu sucks!!!!
Prince Charming sucks!!!
Prince Charming sucks!!!
Prince Charming sucks!!!
Prince Charming sucks!!!
Prince Charming sucks!!!
Prince Charming sucks!!!
i hate eu!!!!!!!! if eu dun wan me to hate eu, change yourself first!!!!! Ignoring me during history lesson is totally tooo much of eu... i cant take it anymore!!! eu are toying my feelings!!!
today, i almost cried.... i got soooo much problems on my head.... rumours abt me and Syaheean are like spreading rapidly.... same goes to PC ....... i hate my world.... i almost cried today in the animation room during recess..... i always kena bullied like them..... thats it!!!.... im changing cca... wads more, that stupid betrayer always offended me.... i had always wan someone who can protect me... i wanna change skool also..... they spam my fwens blog using Shaharis name.... i hate them... haish.....
i really must close those stupid chapter....
those two stupid boys fooled me- (Mystery Boy & Prince Charming )
they take me as a fool and i hate it!!!!
Prince Charming really take a like a fool.... he using me to forget his past admirer which is totally disgrace of him.....
Prince Cahrming, i love eu but you're not the one (sowie)
Perhaps that sentence is true cus he might not love me and i dun want to be taken as a fool again. perhaps that's the meaning of 'love blind'
love cant be force
eu cant buy love but eu can use your effort to earn them
thats where your love will grow wif your Princess....
i hope eu will use this piece of advice for help
kays larh.... i really gtg now
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:20 AM