Friday, April 30, 2010

idk who to choose...
very conplicated...
they are besties...
i dun wish to break them up becus of love...
today had just finish English paper 1...
it was ........
idk how to describe...
gtg now
byees :DDDD
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:40 AM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

my name!
i got it at fb...
nice rite?
today's not bad
very emo today....
Haris... some kind of...
well, he thinks that his friends are more important than me...
haishh ):
Amirul not in school....
so cant disturb... you know who lahh...
yeahh, gtg now...
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:20 AM

Monday, April 26, 2010
trying to keep the blog alive :D
today's great...
after school hang out with my gurlfwen!
right after school...
when to the canteen with Ah Sai...
she said she got LC...
so i decided to wait for her at cosmix...
before she left...
we had our lunch....
then suddenly....
Yaman came....
Ah Sai choked her chicken meat...
and still can laugh! LOL
the she blushing!
me, CaiRong and Anqi like whispering
Ah Sai cheeks *seriously* turn pink...
and it's damn obvious! HAHAH! XD
after finishing eating, i accompany her to go to her class...
(not really cus i only sent her to the level 2 staircase :D )
then back to the animation room....
saw Amirul do *THAT* with someone...
so horny :x
then... me and Amirul chat chat then...
Mr Jun, Andrew, Amirul and my two other junior went for makan at canteen....
then as usual....
Amirul will bully me to follow him LOL
then after that....
back to the animation room again...
after that chat with Amirul in animation room sofa...
it was great....
he look like my younger brother when he lead his head on my shoulder! :D
my god brother mahh...
after that, Ah Sai called me...
she had just finished her LC...
so i meet her in the cosmix..
then Amirul disturbed her! :p
She managed to escape from him...
but later outside the school....
saw Yaman and his gang again...
she blush like hell
then me and CaiRong pull her to Yaman
then she screaming like hell LOL
then His gang all laugh!!!
after that she kept on saying freak hell LOL
then we take 859 bus to Sun plaza....
after that me and ah sai go library...
then after a while saw CaiRong, Anqi and HuiYing....
then after that....
we go home...
blahh. blahh, blahh lahh
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:54 AM

Sunday, April 25, 2010
walao tmr SCHOOL! ):
i dun feel lyk cuming sia...
currently doin my science hw. (:
tmr im SOOOO gonna wear my councilor pin....
it has been my dream in my pri sch...
but sadd, i actually given up halfway through...
Today's great...
talk to baby just now...
he made me HAPPY :DDD
i love the way he is!
i love euu to the max, baby :D
minie jackson
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:13 AM

Friday, April 23, 2010

it was totally great(:
finally i got my councillor pin...
which i have been for 1 year alrdy...
i miss the the previous exco!
they are GREAT and FUNNY!
i'll miss them for sure ):
The new exco....
Congrats! :D
Just now the VIP cum to our sch....
i did the speech very well!
ahhkayys, gtg
byees (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:18 AM
CaiRong: hi,no offence,now u lye A or S ?im damn confuse =/=
Me: LOL. [not telling] :D
wEisI: Relink me-
www.minigothicgurl.blogspot.comMe: will relink you asap (:
Cairong: ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Me: thank
Cairong: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Me: you
Cairong: gggggggggggggggggggggggg
Hweezhi.: helloooooo. TAGGED
Me: hello. thanks
an qi: tag
Me: thanks
Cairong: damn long
Me: okay
Cairong: u go see mine
Me: LOL, alright (:
Cairong: yr camp post damn short
Me: hahah, lazy lahh lol
Cairong: tagtag
Me: thankyou~
Haris: tagg
Me: thanks
Fl0ra: Yosh Ah-Zee...Tagged
Me: YOSHH! Ah-sai... thanks :D
Syafiqah Z: Taggg ! ~relink-ed !
Me: thanks :D
an qi: tagg
Me: thanks
Cairong: Student Councillor Investiture is ...?
Me: 23 April
Cairong: n SQ tok to me today when we at the bus stop walking home
Me: REALLY? well, i dun care abt her...
Cairong: Btw,whos yr sl
Me: SyafiqahZ
Cairong: tagged (:
Me: thanks
Farhana: Hey (: Tagggged
Me: HEYYO! thanks
Me: thanks :D
anqi: tagg
Me: thanks
Fatehah: Relinked ya and tagged (:
Me: Thanks
Zee: relinked you (: nice blog! ^_^
Me: thanks :DDD
aincyntarhh: relinked you already ! and TAGGED !
Me: thanks :D
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:41 AM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby is curently on mc...
sadd, miss him soo much....
im being lame here again~
im sooo gonna get my pin tmr :D
then later after the investiture, VIP will be coming to our school....
i have to be the tour guide x.x
so wish me best of luck....
gtg now....
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:34 AM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
heyloo, bloggie
im back....
long tym never post...
currently doing my CME e-learning hw....
i cant wait but a bit upset...
im totally sad for Haris....
i shud have help....
i witness everything happen but dun care...
im seriously feeling guilty....
saying sowie countless times to him...
but he said it's okay.... haishh
i pity him alot....
how i wish it could be rewind....
He's my life...i cant do anything without him....Haris, im really sowie.
thanks for being understanding to forgive me...
im really blessed to have a great best fwen like you :D
ahhkayys, gtg
i love HIM!
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:44 AM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

do you like me?
i'll WILL never ever believe in you anymore.
even though i dun wan to...
missing you just runs too deep...
i just want to be with you...
cus living is so hard to do...
i miss the old you...
i had always been hoping to be yours....
i succeeded...
BUT.... now...
look what has happen...
baby, i already love you to the max....
i cant forget you...
we cant just give up half way through...
ahhkayys?? (:
사랑하지 않은
always love you♥,
♥our lips must always be sealed
4:40 AM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
camp *sucks*
hahah, i hate camps....
haishh, me got nth to say alrdy lol
gtg now..
minie jackson (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:32 AM

Sunday, April 11, 2010
난 당신이 그리워요~
"i miss you"
omg omg omg!
tmr got camp!!!!!!!!
i dun wan to go!!!
walao lehh....
my sl gonna be very hyper!
but i dun like the another sl...
i seriously HATE her!!!
baby, save me! LOL ._.
ahhkayys, im sleepy x.x
i had just finish packing my camp things....
my bag so fat liao T.T
ohhkayyes2, gtg now
me wanna sleep now...
love you, mystery boy <3
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:12 AM

Saturday, April 10, 2010
today was damn great. Flag day....
*my legs hurts!*
i dun feel like coming for the camp... dunno why. :/
i haven even packed the camp things yet. LOL ._.
taggies replied...
Hweezhi.: HAHS. will relink you soon! (: and your phone got alot of your pictures!
Me: Thanks and yupyup, got alot. ;DAdelyn: Hi azirahhhh!!!!!
Me: heyylooo!! :DHaris: linked u alr
Me: Thanks alot, Jackson :D`Ishasha: Taqqed and relinked. See yuh soon kay. ;D
Me: thanks. see ya soon too ;DAfiqah: Harlo ! Tagged aites ! (:
Me: hello! syazanna: thn dun want go take neoprint with me...sigh
Me: LOLsyazanna: my blog should be always-in-crazydaes.blogspot.com
Me: ohhkayye, will link ya soonanqi: tagg
Me: thanks.Haris: countdown lah. Tagged
Me: Haris Jackson LOLSyafiqah Z: Hello (( :
Me: heyyylooo!!Ca1R0ng: Ta9 (: Relink @ http://ca1r0ng-heartsyou.blogspot.com/
Me: ahhkayysCa1R0ng: Ta9 (: Relink @ http://ca1r0ng-heartsyou.blogspot.com/
Me: ahhkayysHaris: tagg
Me: thanksCaiRong: tagged (:
Me: thanksbibiana: thanks for the tag!
Me: welcomeanqi: tagg
Me: thanksMIRAH: hey there ! relink me & btw tagg !
Me: heyyo! relinked and thanks for tagging :Dahhkayys, got to sleep early today(:
byees :D
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:39 AM

Monday, April 5, 2010

"sometimes i wonder if you would
ever think of coming back...
i dun wan to be lonely..."
i miss you...
Long tym never post(:
haven even start any of my hw
lazy liao....
aiyoo... i want holidays!!
haishh, i cant wait for Student Councillor Investiture!
It's on 23 April!
18 MORE DAYS!!!!
alrights, i'll end here today(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:25 AM

Thursday, April 1, 2010
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS' DAY!!!hahah, i didnt get fooled by anybody till now.
cool, rite xD
taggie box~
MyraGhee: Hello . Taggs aite ! (: Myra was here . Link me ! (:
Me: heyyo. Thanks for tagging. I'll link you soon (:afiqah: link me !
Me: i'll link you soon. :D
syazanna=): hey...taggies,,.@ my blog kays???
http://www.always-in-crazydays.blogspot.com/Me: heyyo, thanks. i'l link you soon. ;Danqi: tagg
Me: thanksafiqah: link you !
Me: ohhkayys.afiqah: link & tagg !
Me: thanks.
Ca1R0ng: (:
Me: (:Ca1R0ng: ily
Me: ily too Ca1R0ng: hellotag
Me: Heyyo. thanks.Ca1R0ng: tag
Me: thanks.
Syafiqah Z: Yo , tagg ! n u're link dear ^^
Me: Thanks tau anqi: tagg
Me: Thanks
anqi: tagg
Me: thanks
wEisI: heyyo see the neoprint i very jealous sia.. sad i cannot go
Me: LOL. next tym ust cum horhx. i very lonely lehh
anqi: tagg
Me: thanks
calin♥: hellos . taq taq . love ya . hahas . lol .
Ma: Thanks. Love ya too
anqi: tagg....
Me: Thanks
Haris: tagg
Me: thanks :D
wEisI: tagged !0ve
Me: Thanks. Love ya too.
wEisI: tagged
Me: thanks
wEisI: tagged
Me: thanks
wEisI: btw tagged
Me: thanks
wEisI: heyyo... i thought u take neoprint wif me alrdy...
Me: update oredi liao.
anqi: tagg
Me: Thanks
Haris: tagg n awesome blogskin
Me: thanks. Yours too (:
bibiana: no fair you got a mp4 T_T luckie...
bibiana: ehh...i am the... thirteen??to tag. hi
Me: thanks. :D
CaiRong: LOL
CaiRong: first to flood
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tag
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tag
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tag
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tag
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tag
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tagged
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tag
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
CaiRong: tagged
Me: Thanks for FLOODING. LOL
Fatehah: Wow. third to tag.
Me: LOL. thanks.
Aliah?: second ?
alrights, end here.byees (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:03 AM