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Even though it hurts .



Ahhzee-RAHH♥ heart

" a.k.a ∟їttℓэ Mїиїэ Mїss Cΰℓℓэи ♥♪"
MuhammadRaihanBinNoorHasman's ♥
0509112235 ♥
known as Minie Jackson; Mini; ahhzee
canberrans | threeexpressfive
251096 is the first tym on Earth.
will always rmb 050911♥
come and ask me personally

" meeting you was fate...
becoming your friend was a choice...
but falling in LOVE with you,
is beyond my control..."

╔♫═╗╔╗ ★
╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣YOU♥ ♥
╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝ ღ✿ ツ

perfection of love ♥ :)

bold underlined strikethrough italic

Precious Ones♥.

wellington 6C '08♥♥
Canberra 1N1 '09♥♥

Awesomezxc peeps!
♥Raihanawesome boyf
♥Wei Siwifeyy
♥Atikahsuper fav sistar
♥An Qisistar
♥Xiao Hongsistar



AWESOME God sisters
♥Joey Lingsistar

AWESOME God Brothers
♥Chee Kiatbrother
♥Zhen Yubrother

CCA Fwens
♥SyaheeranFav Bestie!!
♥GlynnisCCA Fwen
♥AndrewCCA Fwenr
♥AntheaCCA Fwen


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

LG GS500v COOKIE™! ♥
contact lens
new spectacles
little miss T-shirt

Chatter Box

Tag Tag spam Tag
No SPAMMING luhs!!! <3 ♥


cbox recommended.
preferred maximum width to be 200px.



Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
February 2012
March 2012



Layout Designer:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

heeeeeeey !! (:

heyy blog ,
sorry for not posting again :/

been super damn freaking busy siolzxc x.x

okaaay , friday ...
see that photo on top ?
yeaa , i'm one of them ,
and those are all my beloved excos ^^
teeheehee , imma loving them ttm yo !
okaaay , friday is totally a b-day for me x.x
i was like ' hello everybodee '
tsktsk ,
imma not gonna act as Barbarella anymore ):
but i do miss being one !
but seriously , i kena disturb by ppl --'' LOLOL .__.
okaay friday stop here liaos ~

Saturdayy ..
Bored at home --"
Lazy do homework . tsk
actually Awesome Bitch and Mummy ask me go Semb Pri Open hse ,
but they wanna meet at 9am siaaa ~ x.x
i damn sure i'll be sleeping alrdy x.x
so , when out cycling ~
then Saw Shahezee and Raihan . LOLOL
funny siaa with them (Y)
went lepak with them ...
so thats about it x)

Sunday ...
Went out to Sabrina birthday Party
meet Shahezee at Sunplaza ,
then we go take ssc bus together (Y)
funny siaaa him xD
make me laugh all the way . tsk xD
then met Burger , Haysy and Jia Ying and Sabrina (Y)
went Hei sushi go eat togehter (Y)
teeheehee ~
funfunfun ! :DD
then parents called --"
ask me go home ,
cus aunt reach my house liao ~ T-T
then bored at home x.x #SadLife

Monday ...
hehs , went school with Firaz
but still got monday blues , tsk ):
then after schhol , went play frisbee (Y)
hoho , then go home with Firaz again x)
then , a new love story begins
at the same time , found out best friend likes me :/

Tuesday ..
Best !
ate mac with wifey (Y)
She belanja one uh ~
hahah ! (Y)
then after that meet baby ~
went school together and i pangseh my wifey ): LOLOL
then after school , went to help with councillor stuff with eileen ~
then saw tcher , idw say his name --''
ask me if i'm tgt with this guy from 4t something x.x
i was like NOOOO ~ :X
then afetr that , went home with baby ...
thats all

kkays , byee peers !


imma loving my boyf


♥our lips must always be sealed
7:09 AM

Thursday, July 21, 2011

heeeeeey ! (:

Today's lesson ,
trust me ,
sibei boring siaa .
tsk .
especially d&t theory T-T
make me wanna sleep halfway through the class .
haisssssh :/

after school ah ,
tsk ,
i can seriously die siolzxc .
i had rehearsal for tmr Racial harmony show ,
i wore barbarella dress x.x
like seriously , i don't wear dresses when i go out .
i feel like as if i'm going on a prom siaa ~

So , tmr's the day ,
where i'll be the laughing stock T-T
fmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfml !
with my barbarella accent and fake slang xD
nehmind , it's just gonna happens once ,
just once (:

Jiayouszxc !

imma saddie , the guy whom i like turns out to like another girl .
tsk , whats more , she's my worst enemy ,
you can say that ah .
cus she a flirt-er x.x
anyhow flirt with mb . tsk :/

byeeees !



♥our lips must always be sealed
8:03 AM

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

heeeeeey ! (:

today , nothing much uh .
In the morning damn funny to the max siaa ~
went to school as early as 6.45am x.x
meet brother and go wash cloth .
woaa , i tell you ahh ...
sibei tiring ynoe ~ LOLOL
first tym le , washing cloth on my own x)
i must say i did a mess in the toilet ,
cus one of the pail was broken , tsk .
tehn flood the whole toilet x.x
shhhhhhhh :X
the auntie didn't see .
hahah , imma bad girl x.x
then go council room dry the cloth .
by assembly , we just got out of the room .
hahah , so in actually fact , we skip morning assembly :X

next , SDC !
i THOUGHT going to Singapore Discovery Centre was fun ..
but MY FOOT ahh .
so bored --"
but i like when we get to dismiss early (Y)
freaaaaking awesome siolzxc ~

really nothing much today ,
tsk .

k , byee .



♥our lips must always be sealed
5:56 AM

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I found this outside my school gate ! x.x

heeeeeeey (:
It has been a long tym since i post siaa ~
okaay , this week i'm so gonna be super damn freaking busy . tsk
i'm involve in the racial harmony concert
and they ask me act as barbarella x.x
woaa seyh , i can go siao siaa .
barbarella ahh , like wtfbhjvbsjkbv siaa ~

hello everybodae (fake slang)
see laa ,
i got addicted to barbarella alrdy . LOLOL ._.
barbarella diseases ?!
die siaa ~
nehmind , this friday only ~
then after that humiliation .
#SadLife :/

then next week ,
council board ,
must be up ...
if not i kena shot the 'awesome' people again .
tsk .

okaaaay , i wanna be a good girl now (Y)
doing my homework yo ^^

byeeees !



♥our lips must always be sealed
7:37 AM

Friday, July 1, 2011

heeeeeey !
Long time bo post liao !

i've been too busy these days ..
with stress x.x
fml laaa ...

stress nak mampos seyh :/
got this problem ,
that problem ...
and now , you're adding on ?!
awesome youu laa :'(

sad case sia ,
yesterday got youth day concert ...
i didnt even get to watch siaa :/
all i did was crying my eyes out :/
and EVEN WORST , almost everyone sees T-T
i wanna run away ynoe ):
the brother gave the *stop crying* stare
sad case ):
everyone was like having fun while me emo-ing T-T
in the end go at the back of the hall ..
tsk .
then finish assembly ~
say what exco stay in the council room .
even more i feel like fainting :/
body shiver like mad and hands freezing like hell -.-
whaaaatthefuuuuuug siaa ~
in the end , just apologised end of story -_-
okaaay , at least better than nothing ;)

byeeees !

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:57 AM